Our festivals

Our festivals

Our festivals

  • Carme do Castelo: takes place in the week that coincides with the third Sunday of July. The procession, which was originally maritime, takes place on Sunday. It is characterized by the celebration of a popular sardine and by the traditional music and dance that take place during the whole weekend and that culminate in a celebration where the local groups participate.
  • Carme dos Pincheiros: This event takes place on the third Sunday of August, the day of the procession. The “pincheiros” were sailors who dedicated themselves to the art of fishing the skewer, which began to be used in the Arousa estuary in the 18th century. When the campaign ends in August, which is why the celebration was moved to honour the Virgin of Carme, so that the people of the sea would not lose their way. Hoxe en día is one of the most popular festivities in Pobra, or coincides with the peak of the summer season. The most characteristic features, apart from the traditional music groups and the concerts of bands from all over Galicia, are the groups of “xigantes” and “cabezudos” (big-heads) that cheer up their dances in the main squares of the town centre and also the celebration of the San Juerguíns, in which groups formed by the local youth participate and which culminates in the popular ” water festival”.
  • The Nazarene: declared a Festival of Galician Tourist Interest in 2000, it is, without doubt, the most popular of all the festivals held in Pobra do Caramiñal. These festivities last four days and the big day is the one in which the procession takes place, which is celebrated every third Sunday of September. This procession has been celebrated since ancient times, since it dates back to the 15th century. The legend has it that the ruler of Pobra do Deán at that time condemned four robbers to death and on the eve of the procession he fell gravely ill, whereupon he entrusted himself to the Nazarene. After recovering, he appeared in the procession wearing his shroud and ordered the condemned men to carry his coffin during the procession. Once it was over, as gratitude to the Nazarene, the ruler pardoned them. Today, thousands of believers gather in Pobra do Caramiñal to witness one of the most peculiar processions in Galicia, as the saint is carried in a procession accompanied by a parade of coffins that precedes the devoted people who avoided death thanks to his intervention. This does not cease to be an impressive image for believers and skeptics, because, although death is very present, it is no more than the clear image of the triumph of life.